Tag: history

  • Lederhosen Or Lederhose The Origins And History

    These symbols are unique to the user and communicate things like status, personality and family traits. Traditional Bulgarian clothing is the result of a mix of Slavic and proto-Bulgarian cultures thousands of years ago. I also leave out the costumes of ethnic minorities, such as Frisians and Sorbs. Dirndls were developed in the 20th century…

  • February This Day In The History Month From February 1 To 28

    It is also held to encourage and inspire people involved in social work. Raising awareness of the role of NGOs between the public and private sectors. It is held to raise awareness of the role of women in achieving development goals. It is held on February 2 every year to raise awareness of the importance…

  • History Of Soviet Russia And The Soviet Union 1917

    Moscow welcomed the Cuban revolution, because for once they were able to signal a communist government founded by indigenous troops instead of the Red Army. Cuba also became the “front” of the Soviet Union to promote socialism in the developing world, as the Havana regime was considered more salable and charismatic. In the late 1970s,…