Advantages Of Traditional Wooden Toys

On average, plastic toys end up in landfills after only 6 months of playing time. Either for poor quality and breakage or because the child is no longer interested in the toys. Wooden toys, on the other hand, have a much greater durability. My baby is currently playing with a wooden block that is probably more than 50 years old. It has been passed down from generation to generation and I will do the same with it.

And yet they are still as popular as they were 50 years ago, mainly because of their classic and timeless design. They may not have flashy lights and sounds, but wooden toys still occupy a special place in children’s homes around the world. Because wooden toys feel a little weight and tangible, children can play with them and be aware of what they really do. This is really very important for children with delayed development of fine motor skills or sensory disturbances. The tactile part of wooden toys allows children to try harder and think more while playing. Wooden toys will not only contaminate your home with chemicals, but will not contaminate your home with a lot of noise.

They are heavier and harder: this is clearly part of the reason why wooden toys are durable, but it also means that your children can be injured more easily. For example, if a child throws it at another child, it will likely do more harm than a plastic toy. Enjoy the benefits of wooden toys and buy the fantastic new MORI Playtime collection today. One of your baby’s first instincts is to grab and grab things, transferring items from his hands to his mouth for thorough examination.

If you only have one child or prefer to focus on education in an individual environment, you can offer that interaction with your child. By coming into contact with your child while playing with wooden toys, you can help build his understanding and provide positive empowerment when making decisions. While children participate in an imaginative game, much of it will lean towards real-life environments. For example, children can have wooden toys in the form of food and household items to use while playing a home game or supermarket.

Children learn more by playing with wood than with plastic or metal toys. A study published in “Development Science Applied” showed that children’s language skills, math skills and hand-eye coordination were better at playing with wooden toys than plastic or metal toys. The researchers also found that children playing with wooden toys had a higher level of creativity and imagination. Have you ever seen a child carefully place his favorite toys in his toy box???

If your kids are particularly young, try to get a few wooden blocks to play. This helps you develop imagination and creativity because they can do what they want. Other toys that would be ideal for younger children are numbered blocks that help develop math skills.

Even if children only have basic shapes, they can use wooden toys and their imagination to develop real skills. For example, wooden sticks can represent currencies when buying and selling other wooden items. Red circles can turn into strawberries and blue circles can turn into blueberries letter piggy bank when they make a wooden fruit salad. My baby may have a little too much, but there are many advantages of wooden toys over plastic toys. Not only when it comes to used resources, but also sustainability and security. Here I have listed several advantages of wooden toys over plastic toys.

Wood production and processing use much less energy, known as embedded energy, than most other building materials, giving wood products a significantly lower carbon footprint. As a result, wood can be used as an low-emission replacement for materials that require the production of large amounts of fossil fuels. As a general rule, converting a cubic meter of a solid material, such as concrete or brick, into a cubic meter of wood will remove about a ton of carbon dioxide from the emission to the atmosphere.

This allows you to omit them and let the children communicate with them every time the urge occurs, rather than hiding them when the guests visit them. Wooden toys still have the same classic feel and offer the same educational benefits that children have been harvesting for generations. At the moment I am obsessed with Bauspiel and I love Gluckskafer. Some wood toy enthusiasts even heal their own sets by combining brands.

He combined a Grimms water game with Raduga Grëz blocks that translated “Rainbow Day Dreams”, beautiful handmade wooden toys in Russia. Wood, on the other hand, is organic, non-toxic and naturally antibacterial. In addition, the dyes used to color wooden toys are 100% natural and water-based.