Oyster Nutrition Health Benefits Of Oyster Buy Oysters Online

However, it should be noted that they have a high sodium content. So, be aware of your intake if you suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension. Not only do they contain many healthy nutrients such as vitamins, oysters also provide much of the antioxidant 3,5-Dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzyl alcohol. This is a phenolic compound with powerful antioxidant effects. Oysters are a type of mollusk, which lives mainly in saltwater areas. They play an important role in ecosystems and provide habitat for other species.

Whether you keep them raw, fried, or in half a bowl, there are many benefits to eating oysters. They contain few calories, many vitamins and minerals, little fat and cholesterol, many omega-3 fatty acids and good for the environment. The impressive health benefits of oysters stem from their vast reserves of minerals, vitamins and organic compounds. Oyster Catering It may be rich in certain essential trace elements such as zinc and selenium. According to the USDA, an oyster can contain high levels of protein, vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, copper, manganese and selenium. People at highest risk of serious complications from bacterial infection are people with cancer, diabetes and liver disease.

Oyster is one of the most nutritious foods with a low calorie count compared to portion sizes. For example, 100 g of grilled chicken breast can contain 176 calories, while 100 g of canned oysters can contain 74 calories. In other words, it can be ideal for people who want to lose weight in a healthy way.

However, research into the effects of DHMBA is still in its early stages. But the evidence so far suggests it may help prevent cell death due to oxidative stress. Among many other functions, EPA helps reduce inflammation, while DHA is important for brain development in children and brain function in adults. The form of omega-3 usually found in plants, ALA, must first be converted to EPA and DHA before it can be used by the body. Unfortunately, this conversion process is inefficient; only 1-10% of ALA is converted into the bioavailable forms EPA and DHA.

In addition to all the other healthy minerals they provide, oysters are certainly a force to be reckoned with, when it comes to good health… It is said that, especially for women over the age of 40, minerals such as zinc and copper can provide an incredible health boost. People at high risk of serious complications from bacterial infections of raw oysters are often patients with cancer, liver disease and diabetes. A particularly high risk may occur in people with alcoholic liver disease. If someone develops symptoms of food poisoning after eating raw oysters, they should immediately consult a doctor so that they can be treated as soon as possible.

Because oysters are often eaten raw, they can cause food poisoning by transmitting bacteria that cause fever, nausea, diarrhea, and fever. As with all seafood, oysters also pose some health risks if consumed in excess. Oysters are rich in calcium, which is essential for maintaining bone health. In addition, vitamin D levels promote the absorption of calcium into the bloodstream. Oysters have a special antioxidant called alcohol 3,5-dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzyl. This phenolic compound can help reduce oxidative stress from the cellular level.

These elements turn them into extremely healthy foods that can boost your body’s overall function and health. Oysters are a common name for a variety of bivalve mollusks found in marine or brackish waters. Some oysters are harvested for their pearls, others for their translucent shells.


